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How to cut your hair like Neymar

How to cut your hair like Neymar?

This is probably a question many youngsters across the World keep asking. So how can someone style their hair like Neymar does? First of all, the Brazilian star uses a hair straightener (which is also commonly known as a flat iron) in order to allow his hair to get multiple layers, which includes the popular crest that he has used for so many times through his “Mohawk” hairstyle and haircut. Originally, Neymar has always had curly hair, but the main trick and secret to style it as he does is to simply keep the hair straightened on a regular basis. So summing it up, in order to get your hair like Neymar, you must use a hair straightener (“flat iron”), even in the case that you may already have straight hair, since the hair straightener helps defining the hair layers. Neymar also has very light hair that he likes to keep tousled.

Neymar‘s original curly hair is actually quite common in men! This kind of hair fits into the “Type IV curly hair”, according to the ISEZ method. It might not be the best type of hair when it comes to grant you multiple options to try out a different and wide range of hairstyles, but as we’ve mentioned before, straightening your hair is the key. We’ll now go through a quick tutorial and step-by-step instructions, for you to get to know how to cut and style your hair like Neymar and more specifically the “Neymar Mohawk” style, also known as the “Neymar Crest“.

Neymar brown mohawk hairstyle and haircut

Neymar brown mohawk hairstyle and haircut

Cut your hair like Neymar (the “Neymar Mohawk” way):

In order to get your hair like the “Neymar Crest” hairstyle, firstly you’ll need an overall length of close to 4 inches on both the top of your head as well as on the back. Neymar’s mohawk style will have the two side areas of your head quite buzzed and basically showing a rectangle both on the right and on the left. After getting the initial “Neymar mohawk” haircut, it’s recommended that you use a hair clipper to buzz again the side areas of your head twice a week, in order to keep it always as short as possible.

Style your hair like Neymar (the “Neymar Mohawk” way):

Once you take a shower (and let’s assume this will be happening on a daily basis), simply start by drying your hair, applying any standard heat-protecting product right into the hair and then immediately start straightening the locks on the top of your head. Neymar has already admitted that he uses several hair products, so there’s no shame in doing the same if you’re quite simply seeking to get the same look he has hair-wise. Pick only a few locks at a time, since the main objective is to create an illusion that the hair contains multiple layers. After you got it well straightened, get your hands into some hair mousse and then work it out by using your fingers to direct the hair on the stripe towards the center and up, in order to build and maintain the crest. And that’s it!

As a matter of curiosity, it’s publicly known that Neymar has agreed to be more discrete with his future haircuts and hairtstyles, at least during his first steps at Barcelona. This came as an imposition/demand that was made precisely by the club.

Neymar haircut and hairtstyle photos/pictures:

Picture 1:

Neymar with his head shaved when he was a kind and youngster at Santos

Neymar with his head shaved when he was a kind and youngster at Santos

Picture 2:

Neymar kinky and curly hair, when he was a teenager

Neymar kinky and curly hair, when he was a teenager

Picture 3:

Neymar with hair gel on his Barcelona presentation day

Neymar with hair gel on his Barcelona presentation day

Picture 4:

Neymar with a Elvis Presley hairstyle and haircut

Neymar with a Elvis Presley hairstyle and haircut

Picture 5:

Neymar summer hairstyle, with his hair dyed blonde

Neymar summer hairstyle, with his hair dyed blonde

Picture 6:

Neymar setting a trend with his unique hairstyle and haircut

Neymar setting a trend with his unique hairstyle and haircut

Picture 7:

Neymar rare hairstyle and neatly combed hair

Neymar rare hairstyle and neatly combed hair

Picture 8:

Neymar ponytail haircut and hairstyle

Neymar ponytail haircut and hairstyle

Picture 9:

Neymar original hairstyle and haircut

Neymar original hairstyle and haircut

Picture 10:

Neymar new haircut and hairstyle dyed blonde

Neymar new haircut and hairstyle dyed blonde

Picture 11:

Neymar new haircut and hairstyle in training session

Neymar new haircut and hairstyle in training session

Picture 12:

Neymar long hair in the center and buzzed on the sides

Neymar long hair in the center and buzzed on the sides

Picture 13:

Neymar long and layered hairstyle in Brazil National Team

Neymar long and layered hairstyle in Brazil National Team

Picture 14:

Neymar layered hair and mohawk hairstyle

Neymar layered hair and mohawk hairstyle

Picture 15:

Neymar Jr. with his hair and head shaved, in early years in Santos

Neymar Jr. with his hair and head shaved, in early years in Santos

Picture 16:

Neymar japanese hairstyle and haircut look

Neymar japanese hairstyle and haircut look

Picture 17:

Neymar hair with spikes and hair gel to hold it up

Neymar hair with spikes and hair gel to hold it up

Picture 18:

Neymar hairstyle with rastas like Bob Marley

Neymar hairstyle with rastas like Bob Marley

Picture 19:

Neymar hairstyle with multiple fringes falling on his forehead

Neymar hairstyle with multiple fringes falling on his forehead

Picture 20:

Neymar hairstyle in Barcelona 2013-2014

Neymar hairstyle in Barcelona 2013-2014

Picture 21:

Neymar hair shaved on the side and long in the center

Neymar hair shaved on the side and long in the center

Picture 22:

Neymar hair after drying, all spiked up

Neymar hair after drying, all spiked up

Picture 23:

Neymar fully wet hairstyle

Neymar fully wet hairstyle

Picture 24:

Neymar buyzzed and shaved side look of his hair

Neymar buyzzed and shaved side look of his hair

Picture 25:

Neymar blonde mohawk hairstyle

Neymar blonde mohawk hairstyle

Picture 26:

Neymar blonde look and blonde hair

Neymar blonde look and blonde hair

Picture 27:

Neymar blonde hairstyle for an executive look

Neymar blonde hairstyle for an executive look

Picture 28:

Neymar blonde hair and blonde beard

Neymar blonde hair and blonde beard

Picture 29:

Neymar in the barber shop, cutting and styling his hair

Neymar in the barber shop, cutting and styling his hair

Picture 30:

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